Tuesday 29 July 2008


Lizzy and Me:

This dream begins on a beach. This dream begins with you and I walking side by side on a beach. You hold a stick and let it trail behind you leaving a line that follows us like the sticky shimmer left by a snail. This dream is full of our laughter crashing out of synch as the waves reach my bare feet before yours.

You walk on my outside.

We walk so long the line of our travels disappears behind us like skywriting fading in a breeze. And then a distant blob on the sand comes into view and transforms itself into a solid object. In this dream this object comes into view as a beautiful shell. And though I know you see it, that we both see it and at the same time, you are silent. You make no movement nor mention to suggest you have seen anything.

And as I think to say something to you, to say, "I see it too, I see the shell too," I suddenly understand you are leaving the shell there for me to discover. In this dream you want this thrill to be mine.

In this dream this thrill is mine.

1 comment:

WriterBee said...

and mine, reading about it